Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT HM Sampoerna Tbk Mei 2013
Update Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 2:48 AM. by Info Terbaru 2013 Dalam topik Lowongan Kerja
Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT HM Sampoerna Tbk Mei 2013 - Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT HM Sampoerna Tbk Mei 2013 dengan minimal pendidikan S1. Berikut informasi lowongan kerja selengkapnya :
PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (”Sampoerna”) is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia and an affiliate of Philip Morris International Inc., Sampoerna is committed to attracting top talent and investing in developing and rewarding our employees.
As part of that goal, each year Sampoerna recruits top university graduates into our Graduate Trainee Program in Indonesia. This 2-year program is designed to provide comprehensive development opportunities and build business acumen for future career success.
YOU will join a market leader in the tobacco industry. We offer numerous on-the-job learning opportunities and structured career development designed to help you grow to your fullest potential. We offer competitive Compensation and Benefits programs to reward your performance and encourage further growth. You will work in a dynamic and fast paced work environment, where you can enjoy being part of a diverse and talented team.
We are currently searching for candidates for the Graduate Trainee Program who have the following qualifications:
A Bachelor’s degree with minimum GPA of 3.00 (out of 4.00) and/or Master’s degree with minimum GPA of 3.25 (out of 4.00)
Maximum 2 years of work experience
Willing to travel and open to the possibility of working throughout Indonesia
Fluency in English
Students graduating by December 2013 are welcome to apply
Has never been participate Sampoerna selection process in the past year
Interested in joining our team?
Please send your comprehensive CV (max. file size: 500kb) to, with subject “GT_2013_Your Name_University Name” for sample “GT_2013_Putri_HMS University” or please submit your application here before May 20th, 2013.
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Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT HM Sampoerna Tbk Mei 2013
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